
Emily Calasopa

  • Growing up homeschooled and very shy, I was introduced to theater at 14 in hopes of bringing me out of “my shell”. Oh boy, did it ever! Once I caught the theater bug, it was game on from there! I have been in countless theatrical productions, directed, musical directed, choreographed, stage managed and crewed many more. I have a real passion for hair and makeup design and have designed for community and professional theater and film.

    I went to school for Developmental Psychology, but it was not exactly what I was called to do. Little did I know how much of my education would play into what I do today. Since I was very young, I have been in leadership in one way or another. Being the eldest of 10 kids, 6 of which were adopted, was a growth opportunity all on its own. As I grew into a “teacher” role in other areas of my life, I realized I never liked being called a “teacher”. Teachers have tests and requirements and that was just not me. Instead, I have found that truly I am a “Facilitator”. Facilitators give tools, support, and encourage growth without bias. Giving opportunities and tools with the unbiased mindset of helping one succeed is my goal.

    Having sat on many boards, written mission and vision statements, and worked with colleagues who have facilitated growth in me, it is my hearts-song to lead this organization in a way that is uplifting, encouraging, supportive, challenging, quality, above reproach, and above all honoring to the God I serve. With Him all things are possible!

Jacquelyn Morgan

  • E is for Excellent, Exciting, Exuberant

    Enthralled by theatre since chosen as Narrator in the operetta of Pied Piper in elementary school; Entranced by the emotion of Don Quixote on Broadway in my teens; Enchanted by the ethereal Brigadoon in college...

    I am now firmly ensconced as a patron of the theatre and Business Director of Shine On Performing Arts - thanks to my daughter’s enjoyment of and immense talents in the World of Theatre. Bringing my own enthusiasms and a flare for flamboyant fashion and event planning, along with energizing efficiency in the world of business that has spanned over 40 years of invigorating efficiency within small business management enterprises while concurrently encouraging students to embrace their unique gifts in the world of education to reach their epic of achievement through individual alternate teaching methods is an exciting endeavor for me!

    Entering the extravagant world of training in the theatre arts is about not only eminent entertainment, but enriching education and emboldening individuals to embrace their extraordinary efforts on and off of the stage.

Carmen Paz

  • Born and raised in Miami, Florida, I am the daughter of Cuban-American immigrants. Our close-knit, multigenerational family, suffered a loss when my grandparents both passed away during the Holidays. To deal with her depression, my mother established a tradition that started my love affair with the theatre. Every Thanksgiving, our family would travel to New York City and spend the week watching Broadway plays. As a math nerd, I never wanted to act on the stage, but was fascinated with the production. The talent, the sets, the audio, the lights, the costuming, and props – all the magical components that when meticulously program-managed, resulted in a spectacular live show! I continued the tradition of attending live theatre with my own children and have been blessed with a husband and daughter that share my love of theater, as well as two sons who enjoy performing on stage.

    As an engineer with an MBA, my career in technology management for Fortune 100 companies has offered opportunities to live and work around the world. However, God led us here, to Austin, Texas, where our family now calls home. Our youngest son has been directed and mentored by Emily Calasopa, and we are so grateful for her talent, and skills that helped him improve his theatrical and leadership abilities.

    I am honored to serve as Secretary of the SOPA Board of Directors and am so excited to see how God will use SOPA to welcome ALL His children to use their talents to shine both on and off the stage.

Laura Farrell

  • Laura Farrell has a Bachelor’s Degree in Management Information Science and has worked in computer programming and data analytics in addition to national sales in the retail space & national level marketing and PR for highly visible company partnerships. Laura spent nearly a decade providing data analysis and forecasting and ensured payment compliance with the top US leadership of a Fortune 500 company. Laura has spent the last 5 years running a small business from inception to current, managing all aspects of business ownership and operations, including but not limited to, budgeting, contract and employee payroll and tax planning, payments, and compliance.

Staci Bonura

Jacob Horton

  • Jacob Horton has been involved in theater since he was seven years old. Through classes and productions with TCU, CYT, Arts Avenue, CAPA, and others, he is excited to have served in every possible role in the theater: actor, director, assitant director, stage manager, music director, light designer, light/sound board operator, set/prop designer, choreographer, pit musician, etc. He will graduate in May 2023 with a BFA in Theater with an emphasis in Design and Production from Texas Christian University, and cannot wait to be a part of the SOPA Family!